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F.I.T. Tips: Strengthen Your Adductor Magnus With The Seated Good Morning

With Gavin Buehler

For this month’s F.I.T. Tip I’m going to share one of my favorite exercises to help strengthen the adductor magnus, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s a wonderful movement to help increase the mobility of your hips especially for movements such as the squat.

Hopefully you’ve read this previous article regarding the adductor magnus muscle, so you know why I believe it’s important to keep it strong and healthy.

The exercise that I’m going to go through is the Seated Good Morning. I love this exercise particularly for the adductor magnus because being seated provides a solid fixed point for stability and allows you to focus on a proper hip hinge to feel and engage the muscles of your inner thighs. Performing the hip hinge also takes us through hip flexion and extension while the hip joint itself articulates through both internal and external rotation. Being seated in a straddled position emphasizes the use of the adductors taking us through all the actions we know the adductor magnus to be involved with. The hip hinge is a key element as studies have shown that peak contractions of this muscle occurred in positions of hip flexion.

I’ve also included a unique variation of this movement to stimulate the muscles in a unilateral (one sided focus) way. You have an adductor muscle for each side of your body and it’s like they are not evenly matched, so performing this variation will accentuate the limitations from side to side and allow you to work on balancing them out.

Unilateral Variation at 3:59 mark of the video.

This exercise should be performed with lighter loads initially focusing on proper form and stability and increasing hip mobility. Once a proper foundation is in place heavier loading is appropriate for enhanced performance. But be patient. It takes time to create a solid base.

If you liked this article, please share it! Thanks! As always, this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult a health professional before attempting new exercises or protocols, as the following suggestions may or may not be appropriate for you.


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