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Guest Feature: What Is Osteopathy?

By Brock Tadashore, D.O.M.P., CAT(C), RMT

This month I'm super happy to introduce Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Brock Tadashore! Brock's mystic abilities make him a staple referral in our health network. Every now and again we may come across a condition or symptom that throws us for a loop, and that's usually when we recommend you see this guy. Brock has been a very well respected manual practitioner in the area for over a decade and as I'm often asked, "So what is Osteopathy?" I thought, who better to explain this mysterious practice than Brock. Enjoy!

What Is Osteopathy?

What is Osteopathy? Probably the most commonly asked question within our office. I always attempt to answer this question with a regards to my personal educational path. Being an Athletic Therapist and Registered Massage Therapist has given me a thorough understanding of the muscle-skeletal (MSK) system and how to assess and rehabilitate the various injuries/dysfunctions individuals experience. The above education provided me with a very in-depth understanding of an individual’s “container”, the bones, muscles, ligaments etc.

Osteopathically, I studied the MSK system, as well as the various systems within the body (circulatory, nervous, digestive system to name a few) in an attempt to be able to manually treat the “individual” as a whole versus just chasing symptoms. Osteopathy involves treating both the container and its contents through various manual therapy techniques, including but not limited to myofascial and osteoarticular adjustments, visceral and cranial sacral treatments. Personally, I strongly feel that a manual therapist’s job is to work with an individual and their body to help speed up the healing (auto regulating) process. My goal is not just to help you feel better on a day to day basis but to help you to successfully return to your activities/passions/sports of choice. Ultimately, I aim to provide clients with the knowledge and understanding of what is happening within their container and its contents and the skillset to be proactive in their own healing, through education and home programs.

Lastly, I truly believe it is very important to choose a manual therapist that you believe and trust in, one that provides you with the education, plan and home program that will help lead you down the road of success.

To find out more about Brock feel free to visit or email:


About the Author: Brock Tadashore

Originally from Sault Ste Marie, ON., Brock grew up living an active lifestyle surrounded by family and friends. These beliefs (family, friends and healthy living) were instilled at an early age. Combining that, with a passion for the human body, movement and helping others, lead him down the road of Manual Therapy. His education as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Certified Athletic Therapist and Registered Massage Therapist has helped develop his therapeutic philosophy which incorporates all of his education to date.

He strongly believes that a healthy and fulfilled life is about creating balance.



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