Jul 21F.I.T. Tips: How To Strengthen The Deep GlutesThink of these muscles like a brake controller. The opposing tension helps create space easing the joint into place as it moves.
Jul 20Knee Pain? The Hip & Tibial Rotation Part 2The position of the femur (thigh bone), being the bone resting on top of the tibia transferring load down the chain will affect the tibia.
May 20F.I.T. Tips: Mini Band Standing Leg CurlThis exercise gives you great bang for your buck incorporating functional stability work in the hip while targeting the medial hamstrings.
May 19Knee Pain? Tibial Rotation & Hamstrings: Part 1Our bodies will compensate joint to joint to distribute load so we can remain upright or balanced in a position we are trying to maintain.
May 21, 2022F.I.T. Tips: The Short Range Hamstring Curl It addresses the top range (short or end range) portion of a hamstring curl or knee flexion which is so often neglected.
Nov 21, 2021F.I.T. Tips - How to Strengthen Your Medial HamstringsThe medial hamstrings in particular (Semitendinosus & Semimembranosus), usually being weaker than the lateral (outside) biceps femoris.
Nov 14, 2021Save Your ACL This Ski Season!In nearly every ACL rupture case I’ve seen there has been a severe strength imbalance between the quadriceps and hamstrings muscles.
Mar 14, 2021F.I.T. Tips: Knee Pain? Do This! Front Foot Elevated Split SquatKnee pain is often the result of an alignment issue causing excessive friction to the structures surrounding and/or within the joint.